2024 NQDCP Recordkeeper Survey

MBS Financial’s 7th survey of the nonqualified deferred compensation plan market is the most comprehensive survey done of the NQDCP marketplace – encompassing over 12,000 plans administered by the 20 largest NQDCP recordkeepers. Data continues to show the value of these plans, with the NQDCP market seeing strong and steady growth as both the number of companies offering NQDCPs and the number of employees choosing to participate increase year over year. You can download the full survey here.


If you have questions or would like additional information on the survey or deferred compensation plans, please contact your MBS Financial consultant via this link.  


Who is MBS?

MBS is a highly specialized corporate consulting firm with more than $13 billion dollars of our clients’ corporate investments. We manage over 225 corporate ICOLI and nonqualified plans.  Importantly, we do not replace your current investment advisors. MBS Financial is certified as a women-owned business and is recognized by the Supplier Clearinghouse.


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